Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sketches for a roleplay

I don't want to use tumblr ;_; all I want to do is focus on one damn site so BLOGGER IT IS, I have chosen sides ;_;

I have been roleplaying with this lovely girl called who I call Naomi 8)  Our now-over-80k-wordcount roleplay--titled "The Vast Idiosyncracies of Hell and Its Inhabitants", is like a nonstop flaming locamotive.  Every post is roughly a thousand to three thousand words because we're sadomasochists who love writing.

Kieran is hers, Valtier is mine.  Both characters were new and created specifically for this roleplay and we have lots of fun flushing them out, their relationship (which is... rocky, to put it very, very lightly), and the vast idiosyncracies of Sheol, which is the name for post-apocalyptic North America riddled with hellish demons and a ruling class of 12 Zodiac-based demon lords and ladies.  Thirteen demon Kingdoms and eight human Territories comprise all of Sheol.  Kieran hails from a human village called Ancora in the Eastern Territory, one of the bases of the human rebellion that the humans refer to in hushed tones as Them, and he is the youngest son of the rebellion leader. Valtier lives in the kingdom GehĂ©nnam in a castle under the ocean, which is where he takes Kieran after purchasing him as a slave.

Coloured and uncoloured for comparison's sake.  Valtier's original design (as he's part of my OC set I call the Zodiac Wheel) was an intimidating man with slick blonde hair and burning yellow-orange eyes, and now I've edited him to have white hair to suit the coloration scheme better.

Kieran turned out beautifully but I feel that Valtier's nose is a bit too... oddly sharp.  His lips are too wide too. I'll tweak it eventually.
A very brief sketch I sent to Naomi when she was confused as to how Valtier was holding a struggling Kieran, fresh after they... uh... "bonded" ;)  Valtier is almost two heads taller than Kieran and much wider so he will hold Kieran like this often.

Our (working) map of Sheol, with the location of each Zodiac Lord and Territory.  We'll add more as the roleplay expands.  Ophiuchus also used to be a Zodiac Lord but he was killed some centuries ago, and now the center land tensely gets ought over by all of the other Kingdoms that touch it (so Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, and Aquarius are all just about meh while everybody else fights)

Here, have a crappy unedited sketch.  This will be cleaned and painted.  The left shows the spot that will mortally wound Valtier if struck (each house has a different spot, eg. Scorpio's is the base of her tail, Leo's is his jawbone, Aquarius are his ankles, etc)

and a better, more refined sketch of Valtier consoling Kieran while he sleeps.  Kieran is a very strong, fierce, but troubled character.  His gentleness was crushed by his father and harsh life conditions, and Valtier has access to his various memories and nightmares when he's asleep.  Valtier, all cold and ice and numbness, cannot fathom why he feels like stroking the boy's hair and cradling him when he watches Kieran cry in his sleep.


I'm gonna go roll in feels as I wait for Naomi to post 8)

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