Monday, April 19, 2010


So I decided to start (another) blog. My first one is still used, and completely unknown for my random teenaged angst-induced terror :) I created this at 6:45 PM on April 19th, 2010, procrastinating from the trinomial math comic (HAHA I'm going to remember that one), English mythology, and French literature circles.

De Temps Inconnu.

I like it. Wasn't my first choice. I wanted to call it "And then". :) Because that leave so much to the imagination, no? Then I put "now and then", and I translated it to "Time to Time"--and then that was taken. So I put it as "Of unknown time", but I liked it better en Francais. Mais c'est la vie; il y a des choses que les gens ne pouvent pas choisir.

This is going to be updated at unknown times

This blog will contain mostly sketches, photo bits, snippets of writing, fond and cruel memories, and French practice.

Maybe someday I can look back on this without that fear of confronting my past. Look at me, all nostalgic. They say that if you are nostalgic as a child, it means you never had a childhood.



I have a "memo" function on my cell phone.

This function is largely unused except to write 1000-character long story snippets, which I try desperately to squish into that tiny space, punctuation and all. Some have been edited for better word flow. I have only included a few, here.

Some others spoil the story :) You will know if they are cellphone ramblings if it is marked with a
at the end. It's a clover, not a spade. Why clover? I don't know. I just like clovers :)

I'm a sketchy kind of person...

Most of the time I upload sketches, and little pieces of designs. They are not worth putting on DA. So I put them here. :) Sketches are obvious. It may come with a story snippet.

Some sketches end up as great deviations. Who knows?

I feel things. A lot.

If I can remember to reduce as much whiny teen angst as I can for me to bear reading through childhood stupidity when I'm older, then it's not worth reading, is it?

Something that really pisses me off will indeed end up here. Mostly art related, though. Here goes to trying...

I write more than just on my cellphone.

I write things in books, too. Maybe I'll upload those when I have time. :) It's easy to keep it in a blog so I can have this data forever. Isn't that fantastic?

I've lost so many stories to viruses that my heart's broken into fine ash. Maybe this'll help vacuum it up so I can build my next heart.

J'essaierai d'écrire enfrançais pour quelques entrées.

Je n'ai pas une bonne raisonne. Je voulais seulement de practiquer le français, temp en temps. Dans les six ans que j'ai appris français, je ne me sens pas comme j'ai amélioré beaucoup... c'est dommage!

Here's to a new time.

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