Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kids these days

The Ensemble as Children.
Expect lots of angsty angst angst because I love torturing the Ensemble, adding flavor to their lives... the least angsty are probably Yoshua, Colleen and Skye haha XD

Madeleine was a very bright, lovable little girl. She was the inventive, exploring one who would always lead games and be fair. One day her father disappeared and left her and her mother, and ever since, she has been unable to feel secure. Maddie struggles with her feelings of inadequacy and is very dependent on her mother, but she is still the same bright and cheerful child. Was very well dressed, and quite tall too, until puberty 8) Maddie was the gung-ho for justice type of kid, never one to lie and always very heroic.

Skye gets wings in this picture because... dunno, just because. XD Skye never really had a childhood. Her parents demanded a lot of her at a young age, and her tough personality bore it well. She was a very proper and elegant little girl, haughty and proud and demanding but dutiful 8) She hasn't changed much, haha... A very pretty child that had the other little girls jealous. But she was rather selfish, and didn't play well, even though she learned how to handle other people she was never quite comfortable.

Aidan was a cute little boy. He was the one who listlessly did everything as told, and was babied by his older sister and parents. He was the pacifistic, minimalist kid who was very good withlittle animals. Aidan was also quite timid and easy to frighten with loud noises, but he had a fanatic love of cartoon heroes 8D This is when he was five. When he turns eleven or so, his family will be in a car crash which will tear his life apart. I like how Aidan is so damn cute but I always know that there is tragedy right around the corner. -sigh-

Silver! Was very energetic and mischievous and protective. He is the most radically changed of the Ensemble from his childhood. He was extremely smart and affectionate, quite fond of his stuffed toy Mr. Rabbit. He never cried and was very proud--that didn't change. He also was a very beautiful child with delicate emotions and he found beauty in everything. Silver was very close with his big brother and grandmother... but when she died, his life was shattered by his parents :( Since then his tender heart has crusted over with impenetrable ice...

Valor 8) Was a precocious child. He was very adept at speaking, at doing, at pretty much everything for his young age, but timid and suspicious. Those scars are from abuse and he developed a very poisonous, melancholy outlook on life. He was rescued, however, and his true mellow and smiling nature surfaced after his teenage years. Valor hates violence, liquor, and has a high tolerance for pain--was also very, very sentimental and empathetic. He bore his suffering in silence. One of those strong kids, I guess :)

Lale... Actually, not sure if he had what we call a childhood. He is possibly the gentlest and most broken out of the kids. In reality, he was quite kind, and learned things quickly. Lale was a child with wholly good intentions and deep, deep loneliness, mostly growing up outside the lines and outcasted for something he couldn't control. Lale could never really hurt a fly; circumstances forced him to learn his violence, which he bears with his head held high. Maneuvering in the darkness, he constantly searched for a place to call home... and found it, more or less :) Lale is not a self-piteous type. He's rather progressive, and that never left him from his childhood.

Yoshua! SQUEE SO SQUISHY. Yoshua was a very sickly child until he turned six. His family constantly worried and doted over him, in which Colleen developed a superhuman maternal instinct. Yoshua was the curious baby who crawled where he shouldn't have XD He learned to speak very quickly, harnessing hand skills and mental skills beyond his age. Yoshi was the speedy, energetic kid who didn't talk back when he was wrong, but would get right back into trouble, haha! Also feared things bigger than him, and liked to cuddle.

Colleen~ With wings XD Colleen's past is divided into Colleen and Kairiun, but I'll only cover Colleen here. Leen was prone to night terrors and timid around strangers. Colleen liked very often to go off on her own tangents and had strange habits like talking to herself or things like planting flowers. She often found herself alone because she was too "strange" for the other kids, enjoying daydreaming to stave off the loneliness. Leen was also a very, very gentle, protective child, fierce in her own quiet way, never one to allow others to feel sad. She would go out of her way to make someone happy, and was very responsible, but often forgot to take care of herself. She hasn't changed much :D

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